Tuesday, 31 May 2016

NanaCompany Swap-Trinket box, Linen bag and Gift cards

Sweet surprises...nanaCompany Swap

Instagram is a new addiction for me, it has been there that a whole new world of handmade wonders and fabric lovers hang out. I have learned of Blog Hops, Swaps, Quilt markets, hashtags, links, DM, and #madebymonday or any other day or month.... and so much more.
When I spied a post about a swap I put my name down and that was how it started.
I have been an admirer of Amy Sinsibaldi style for a long while, her work is lovely, small details done to perfection, the little rabbits and teddies peeping out from the quilt, so so sweet, my favourite,  do check out her blog here.  

Faith Essenburg from Sarana Ave has organized this Swap, thank you Faith it all takes time and we appreciate the effort to pull it altogether.

Well I was so lucky to be paired up with Alisha Orlando [ what a lovely name] Alisha is from Victoria Australia and as well as being a busy Mum she runs a online Fabric store, you can find her at Ministry of Fabric.

This is what she made for me, this absolutely gorgeous fabric basket.

You can see it's already in use housing all my embroidery bits which are usually spread all over this coffee table.

It's sturdy and just so lovely, I smile every time I look at it.

See all the details so perfectly done, I think it's the star of this post.

What I made

I found on Amy's blog the quote DO SMALL THINGS WITH GREAT LOVE So that's what I did.

I embroidered this on to some fine linen, living in a small town I didn't have a lot of colour choices only white so I dyed the fabric with a tea bag to get a better colour, its a soft peach.

While I was doing the embroidery I made a little round padded box, a 'Trinket' box.
I used a wee floral print for the outside of the box and on the inside a little blue and fawn spot....small designs for small projects.

From a little metal ring I fashioned the pull, blanket stitch around very firm so there are no gaps and leave some length of thread to sew it on.

The little box was all made before my embroidery was finished.

This is the base, the lovely Robert Haufman floral is a soft cotton lawn.

When The embroidery was finished I made the lid.

I really enjoyed making this it's not the first one Iv'e made, its an old pattern a dear friend taught me but I have modified it over the years.

I made a little Linen bag to present it in and some simple gift cards.

See the little beads that pad the underside of the lid, small details, its what I love.

I had to change the spacing of my words to leave room for my little handle.

All finished, I'm really pleased with it.

The little Linen bag to finish the gift.

I often make gift cards on my computer a brief 'how too' is here and I have also written a post with the instructions for making the Linen drawstring Bags .

I hope I haven't overdone the photos but its a joyful NanaCompany swap.

Happy sewing 

Drawstring bags--Tutorial-Gauzy Linen gift bags

Linen Drawstring Bags

I have made these little bags as gift or presentation bags, I feel they add a little surprise to a gift... elevate it to be more special.

In these wee bags I will send sweet muslin wraps to two precious newborns.
You can use these bags for anything, handkerchiefs, lingerie because they have a soft base they can be stored in a draw. 

 I have made these ones from pure linen and cotton Lawn 


Iv'e added little gift cards to complete the look, these bags are simple, soft and lovely.
Choose your fabric carefully because the texture and sheerness makes the LOOK.
I have used pure linen drapery fabric and a soft floral Lawn, in the base I added 'Iron on Pellon but any light weight batting will do.

From your contrasting fabric cut 1 strip for the drawstring band 2 &1/2'' x 22'' and 2 circles 7'' in diameter, also cut 1 circle of light batting.

[If you want to know how wide to cut your Linen multiply the diameter of the circle by 3.14 to get the perimeter, for example 7'' x 3.14 =21.98 ...'simple'.]
You can make any size using this formula, just remember to keep the height of the bag in proportion to the size of the base.

Cut your Linen 22'' wide and 12'' in height, fold down the top 2'' and press, take your band piece and press under half an inch on both long edges.

Place the band over the folded edge so that it sits 1&1/2''  from the top, sew it in place right on the edges of the band, do 2 more rows of stitching quarter of an inch in from the first rows to create the draw string channel.

Sandwich the batting between the two base circles and sew 1/4'' seam around the edge.

 I run a gathering thread around the bottom edge of the linen and pull it up ever so slightly, it stops stretching. Pin the bottom of the bag onto the circle base to check your sizing [sometimes the circle becomes smaller once the 3 pieces have been sewn together, just like trying on a skirt before you sew the side seams] now pin the side seam, take a few pins out and sew your side seam making sure you match the band seams, neaten edges.
Finish pinning the bag to the base circle, sew together carefully no puckers!!

Neaten the edges of your base... overlock or zigzag.

This is a close up of the drawstring band, four rows of stitching and you will thread the ribbon in the middle channel.
Cut 2 pieces of very narrow ribbon 1 yard or metre long.

Fold the bag in half with the side seam on one side, lightly press the opposite side on the band, this is the half way mark this is where to make your cut. Carefully make two small cuts through the band only, on either side of the side seam and one cut on the pressed fold, thread one ribbon through from side seam edge around the bag and out through the other side seam hole. Thread the second ribbon through the cut on the fold line coming out and in on either side of the side seam, then around and out where you started. 

Draw the ribbons up knot the ends and you are finished.
There is a very brief post on how I make my gift cards here .

Happy sewing

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Gift cards-gift Tags

Gift cards, simple

I have been making my own cards for a while, by hand with stamps and card but this way is my favourite.
I love taking photos so I make cards from my photos and it can be of anything.

These are made from taking a photo of the fabric I was using in my Nanacompany Swap, it tied in with the overall look I was after.

I use a photo editing program called Picasa although there are others out there.
Down load your photos on to your computer and edit them in Picasa or another.
This is brief and I am no computer expert but if I can do it so can you.

1. Crop the photos to a ratio of 2 x 2.8
2. Brighten, pixelate, fade, soften, just play until you get the look
3. Vignette is my favourite to finish off the cards, use a toning colour or white to give a soft look.
4. Add text.
5. Print out on to light weight textured card, I always use 'shrink to fit' I print 12 on the card. I print directly from Picasa so it gives the option for 12 on one sheet   A4
6. Use a fine setting and make sure you have plenty of coloured ink.

That's it, use a punch that cuts the corners round... this really makes them look great, punch a small hole in the top, thread ribbon and add any embellishments you want don't overdo it remember Less is More.

Before... some roses in a vase, my roses, my photo

After... a simple card

Just fun and simple.