Sunday, 29 May 2016

Gift cards-gift Tags

Gift cards, simple

I have been making my own cards for a while, by hand with stamps and card but this way is my favourite.
I love taking photos so I make cards from my photos and it can be of anything.

These are made from taking a photo of the fabric I was using in my Nanacompany Swap, it tied in with the overall look I was after.

I use a photo editing program called Picasa although there are others out there.
Down load your photos on to your computer and edit them in Picasa or another.
This is brief and I am no computer expert but if I can do it so can you.

1. Crop the photos to a ratio of 2 x 2.8
2. Brighten, pixelate, fade, soften, just play until you get the look
3. Vignette is my favourite to finish off the cards, use a toning colour or white to give a soft look.
4. Add text.
5. Print out on to light weight textured card, I always use 'shrink to fit' I print 12 on the card. I print directly from Picasa so it gives the option for 12 on one sheet   A4
6. Use a fine setting and make sure you have plenty of coloured ink.

That's it, use a punch that cuts the corners round... this really makes them look great, punch a small hole in the top, thread ribbon and add any embellishments you want don't overdo it remember Less is More.

Before... some roses in a vase, my roses, my photo

After... a simple card

Just fun and simple.

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